Whether you are a film professional, an organization, a governement official, or a private company, don’t miss out on Pavillon Afriques!
Film Professionals, Pavillon Afriques helps you advance your career through:
Screening your content at PA right at the Cannes Film Festival
Funding for your projects
Monetization of your content
Government Officials, if you want to further develop your film industry, Pavillon Afriques is your platform to present your assets to international producers. Book a 45-minute Country Presentation and proudly show off your resources, incentives, landscapes, your film commissions, your workforce and more.
Services and Products Providers for the film industry, we can advertise your solutions directly to your target audience all year long.
Festivals, meet established and upcoming Directors and Producers from African descent who will enrich your event.
Private Sector, we provide you with a prestigious space to promote your activities in front of your target audience, to show your support for the development of the African continent and meet your CSR objectives.